
Regular Blood Testing: Getting the Real Score of Your Wellness Game

You get your rest. You practice mindfulness. You watch what you eat and you exercise. That should be enough to ensure your health and well-being along the journey of life, right? Right. Well, almost right. There is one more thing you can do that can impact how well you navigate your health: Have your blood […]

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Fiber and Gut Bacteria – Underrated Besties

Your digestive tract is home to a thriving community of bacteria numbering in the trillions. (significantly more than the number of cells in the body!) Their health impact is remarkable, influencing the way we think, how we feel, our quality of sleep, and a myriad of health conditions. It seems as though Hippocrates was right

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Is Your Hair Dye Putting You at Risk?

Researchers have been suspicious about the adverse health impacts of hair dye for many years, and rightly so. Several studies have already revealed a strong link between the regular use of permanent hair color and an increased risk of certain cancers and rheumatoid arthritis in women. As the largest consumer of hair products, it only

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The Dark Side of Peanut Butter

Most of us love spreading peanut, almond, or cashew butter on our favorite foods. The sad truth is that not all nut and seed butter is created equal, especially peanut butter. There’s a dark and dirty little secret you might want to know about America’s favorite sandwich spread. Let’s start with the basics. Peanuts are

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Simple Plate of Food

The Food Pyramid was first introduced in 1992 and was touted as being the guideline for a perfectly balanced diet. But unfortunately, this perspective was jaded by the greed and power of the food industry giants who had much to gain from guiding people toward consuming processed and refined foods. Nearly 20 years later, the

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The Love Triangle: Your Gut, Your Brain and Your Microbes

Did you know that the bacteria in your gut actually run the emotional part of your brain? It seems a bit far-fetched, but it's true! The emotions we have on a moment by moment basis are not just "out there somewhere" feelings that ebb and flow throughout the day. Instead, they are largely influenced by

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5 Sleep Hacks for the Over 40 Crowd

A good night’s sleep is worth almost any amount of money, especially if it’s been weeks, months, or even years since you’ve slept well. Over-the-counter supplements that promise a good night’s sleep are nearly everywhere, which is clear evidence that this issue affects a significant number of us.  Research has shown that consistent quality sleep

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Female Hormone Hacks to Keep Your Period on Track

Let’s face it. Being a girl isn’t always easy. Especially when it comes to that monthly visitor that seems to show up at the most inopportune times. And when she brings her friends that drag down your mood and make you reach for the heating pad and a few Advil, it’s time to make some

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The Herb That Promotes Weight Loss and Busts Sugar-Cravings!

Sugar cravings got your tongue? If so, you’re not alone. The lure of Christmas cookies, holiday fudge loaded with squishy marshmallows, and other delectable desserts can be challenging to resist. Our ability to stay the course and say NO requires an unbelievable amount of willpower. But it doesn’t take very long before our vow of

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How Ginseng Can Help with Stress

Did you know that a certain level of stress is actually beneficial? Researchers have long known that lifestyle stress plays a vital role in keeping our immune system in good working order. But if the inevitable stress pendulum swings too far to the right or the left, meaning too much or too little stress, it

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Forget the Fluoride!

Think back to all the years you've regularly visited the dentist to ensure healthy teeth and gums. How many of those visits involved the use of fluoride to enhance your dental health? Probably almost all of them!  Unfortunately, fluoride has a dark side that many people don't know about and your dentist isn't telling you

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